What to Expect at Your Dental Visit

Maintaining regular visits to your dentist in Columbia is a crucial part of having a healthy mouth and bright white teeth. In fact, the American Dental Association recommends seeing your dentist every six months. However, we understand that some patients may be worried or anxious about their visits, especially if they don’t know what to expect. To help, let’s break down what happens at dental visits. 

Health History

Whether it’s been a while since you’ve seen a dentist in Columbia or you regularly keep with your appointments every six months, the first thing you’ll most likely do at your check up is answer some health history questions. These questions will of course focus on your oral health and may include inquiries about any pain or sensitivity or if you may be interested in improving your smile with cosmetic dentistry. Additionally, your dental team will want to get information about your overall health, including any medications, health history, and concerns. Knowing your overall health is key to providing customized care designed just for you. 

Dental Cleaning

Even though appointments can vary from office to office, many times a cleaning will be the next step in your visit. A dental hygienist will use safe and effective instruments to gently remove plaque and tartar buildup from teeth. This is a methodical process and may take the most time, however, it’s incredibly important. Even if you take excellent care of your teeth at home and brush and floss every day, tartar can still accumulate, and it can only be removed by your dental team. If it’s not removed, it can lead to some serious problems.


After a thorough cleaning, your hygienist will use a soft rubber polisher and special paste to polish off your teeth. This step will remove any additional plaque and can even help remove surface stains from teeth. 

Dental X-Rays

If it’s been a while since you’ve seen a dentist in Columbia, you will probably have some dental x-rays taken. It’s also common to get these x-rays done at least once a year or if there’s a suspected problem. Dental x-rays are safe and, thanks to advanced technology, only emit very low doses of radiation. 

Comprehensive Oral Exam

When it’s time to see your dentist, they’ll begin by looking at any areas your hygienist may have concerns about. Then, they’ll perform a thorough examination of your teeth, looking for decay or cavities. But the exam doesn’t stop there. Your dentist will also look at your gums and other areas of your mouth for any signs of disease as well as your jaw and bite.

Knowing what to expect at your dental appointments can ease any anxieties you may have as well as keep you informed every step of the way. 

Accepting new patients from Columbia, Ellicott City, Howard County, and nearby areas. 

How Can I Stop My Teeth From Staining? 

If you’re embarrassed by your teeth, you’re not alone. More than 50% of Americans are insecure about their teeth. This may mean that you cover your mouth when you laugh or smile without your teeth showing in photographs. A lot of the time, smile insecurity is due to the color of teeth. While many things can cause tooth staining, your dentist in Columbia wants you to know that there are several ways you can stop tooth staining in its tracks. 

Stop Smoking

One of the main things that cause tooth discoloration is smoking and using other forms of tobacco. Tobacco, along with other ingredients in cigarettes and even smokeless tobacco, is known to cause the yellowing of teeth. Additionally, since tobacco products also contain addictive ingredients, it’s not uncommon for these products to be used several times throughout the day. This means that teeth are constantly exposed to the staining ingredients. Additionally, tobacco stains are harder to remove. While your dentist in Columbia supports quitting smoking and using other tobacco products, we understand that they are difficult to quit. Keep in mind that tobacco use is a leading cause of oral health problems, including oral cancer.   

Eat Healthy

Certain foods and drinks such as red wine, tea, coffee, soda, and even pasta sauce can cause tooth staining. But there are also some foods that can actually help reduce staining. Snacking on raw vegetables and fruits such as apples, celery, or even some types of cheese can gently scrub away surface stains. 

Brush Your Teeth Often

Your dentist in Columbia will always recommend that all patients brush their teeth twice a day, every day, for two minutes. However, brushing your teeth after meals, particularly the ones that can contribute to tooth staining, is also important. If you can’t thoroughly brush your teeth, try rinsing your mouth out with water to help remove staining ingredients. 

If you find yourself in a position where you can’t rinse your mouth out with water, find some sugarless gum and chew it for a little while to remove even more food particles.

Straws Can Help

While it may seem silly, a simple straw is a great way to reduce the risk of tooth discoloration when drinking a tooth-staining beverage. Straws help the liquid bypass teeth and decrease the likelihood of staining. There are several reusable straws you can buy and carry with you in case you run into a situation where straws aren’t available. 

To be frank, tooth discoloration happens, sometimes even if you try your hardest to prevent it. But the good news is that there are several cosmetic dentistry options available for whitening teeth and even reversing discoloration. From smile whitening treatments to cosmetic dentistry solutions, like dental veneers, your dentist in Columbia will help you find the best way to whiten your teeth.

We’re always accepting new patients from Columbia, Ellicott City, Howard County, and nearby areas. 

What Are The Risks of Whitening Strips?

Everyday things such as coffee, wine, and even spaghetti sauce can take a once bright, white smile and transform it into something discolored. If you were once used to brilliant white teeth and find yourself staring into the mirror and wondering when your teeth went from dazzling to dull, you’re not alone. In fact, more than half of Americans are insecure about their teeth. The good news is that there are many different ways to whiten your smile. The most common way is over-the-counter whitening strips. However, your dentist in Columbia wants you to know the benefits and risks that go along with the use of whitening strips. 

Whitening Strips: 101

Whitening strips are thin pieces of plastic covered with an active whitening ingredient. Some of the active ingredients can include hydrogen peroxide, sodium hydroxide, or chlorine dioxide. When in doubt, look for a product that offers no more than 14% of hydrogen peroxide and steer clear of anything that has chlorine dioxide – it can irreversibly damage tooth enamel. Additionally, it’s crucial to follow package instructions accurately. Whitening strips that are used too often or left on too long can cause unwanted side effects, and there’s no benefit to doing so. 

What To Know Before Buying Whitening Strips

There are so many different kinds of whitening strips available to you. You can buy them almost anywhere – from your local grocery store to online without ever consulting your dentist in Columbia. However, we encourage you to first talk with your dentist before spending any money on whitening strips. After all, whitening strips are only effective at removing surface stains and not internal stains, and it’s hard to know the difference between the two without a professional opinion. 

Risks of Whitening Strips

While whitening strips can be effective at removing surface stains, they don’t come without their risks. Some risks of using whitening strips can include:

  • Gum Irritation – Whitening strips that contain hydrogen peroxide can whiten teeth, but if too much of the whitening strips touch too much of the gums for too long it can cause damage. Whitening strips can result in gum swelling and bleeding if used incorrectly. 

  • Splotchy Whitening – While whitening strips often use ingredients to effectively stick them to teeth, patchy or splotchy whitening can occur. This can make discoloration even more obvious than it was before. 

  • Sensitivity – Perhaps the most common side effect of whitening strips is tooth sensitivity. Sensitivity can have symptoms such as fast zaps of pain through teeth and pain when eating or drinking something hot or cold. 

Are Whitening Strips Right For You? 

The absolute best way to make sure you’re investing your money into something that will give you the results you want is to first talk with your dentist in Columbia. They can help determine the origin of your tooth staining and recommend the best way to whiten your smile that will give you the results you want. 

Welcoming patients from Columbia, Ellicott City, Howard County, and surrounding areas. 

How Can I Get Over My Fear of The Dentist?

There are a lot of things in this world to be afraid of, especially during the month of October with ghosts, ghouls, and goblins all around. However, your dentist in Columbia wants you to know that being afraid of going to your dental appointments doesn’t need to be something you fear. In fact, there are several things you can do to reduce your fear of the dentist. 

Find The Right Dentist

One of the best things you can do to help reduce your fear of the dentist is to search for the best dentist in Columbia for you. Call around to dentists near you, talk with the team, ask questions, and let them know you’re afraid. The right dentist for you will reassure you that they work with dental patients with all types of dental fear and may even mention various types of sedation dentistry options to help you relax. 

Bring a Friend

While this tip may not always be possible with certain COVID-19 restrictions, it doesn’t hurt to ask your dentist if you can bring a companion with you. Having a trusted friend or family member keep you company during your visits can help you feel relaxed and safe. 


It’s ok to talk with your dentist and dental team about any anxieties you may have. In fact, we encourage you to! The more your team knows about how you’re feeling the better they can help you relax. If you need to take a break, let them know. 


There’s so much power in simply breathing, especially if you practice calming breathing techniques or meditation. During your appointments, try to take slow, deep breaths and focus your attention on inhaling and exhaling. You can also try the 4-4-4 breathing technique the Navy Seals use. 

  1. Inhale for 4 seconds

  2. Keep your lungs expanded for 4 seconds

  3. Exhale for 4 seconds

  4. Keep your lungs empty for 4 seconds


Check to see if your dentist in Columbia offers or allows you to use distractions such as music, movies, or TV shows. Shifting your mind to focus on the plot of a show or lyrics or melody of some good tunes can ease anxiety while in the dental chair. 

Seeing your dentist at least twice a year is crucial to maintaining a healthy smile. These preventive appointments allow your dental team to catch any small problems before they have the chance to turn into bigger, more serious problems. But if you’re scared of the dentist, you may put off these necessary visits. Try your best to schedule and keep dental appointments in order to protect your oral and overall health. 

If you’re overdue for a dental visit and are a bit nervous, don’t hesitate to talk with your dentist. They understand and have experience working with anxious patients, and they can help change your mind about going to the dentist. 

We’re always accepting new patients from Columbia, Ellicott City, Howard County, and surrounding communities. 

Pregnancy & Dental Care

If you’re pregnant, especially if it’s your first time, dental care may be the farthest thing from your mind. But there are good reasons to still keep your oral health top of mind during this joyous time. In fact, your dentist in Columbia recommends that everyone, including those who are pregnant, continue to keep up with regular preventive dental care every six months. After all, the truth is, that the oral health of the mom can affect the overall health of the baby. 

Pregnancy Gingivitis

During pregnancy, hormones can go haywire thanks to the rise and fall of estrogen and progesterone. As a result, gum disease, or what’s known as pregnancy gingivitis, is common and affects about half of pregnant women, according to the American Dental Association. The symptoms of this condition are pain, swelling, tenderness, and excessive bleeding in the gums. While this may seem like no big deal, pregnancy gingivitis can result in low-birth-weight babies and even preterm births. If you have signs of pregnancy gingivitis, schedule an appointment with your dentist in Columbia. 

Decay & Cavities

Pregnancy cravings are real and, depending on the craving, can affect oral health and increase the risk of decay. For example, if your pregnancy cravings are treats that are high in sugar or you find yourself snacking more often than usual, it can increase the likelihood of developing a cavity. Additionally, morning sickness, which affects an estimated 70% of pregnant women, can weaken tooth enamel. When teeth are exposed to stomach acid over an extended period of time, this acid can wear away the protective layer of enamel and increase the risk of decay. 

The good news is that there are things you can do to limit the negative effects of stomach acid on teeth: 

  • Rinse with water - Swish water around in your mouth and spit it in the sink after you experience morning sickness. This can remove some of the acids from your teeth. 

  • Wait an hour - You may feel like brushing your teeth immediately after getting sick, but your dentist in Columbia recommends that you wait at least an hour before brushing after you’re sick. 

  • Drink water - Water can neutralize and wash away acids and bacteria. 

  • Use a tongue scraper - After you get sick, gently use a tongue scraper across your tongue. This can help remove some of the acids that may stick around on the tongue and then transfer to the teeth. 

The Oral & Overall Health Connection

Oral health is closely related to overall health as well as pregnancy health. This is why three of the most respected organizations – the American Dental Association, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the American Academy of Pediatrics – encourage every expectant mother to see the dentist, especially during the earlier stages of pregnancy. It’s an important part of ensuring good health for the mom and the baby. 

If you’re pregnant, you shouldn’t put off regular dental visits to your Columbia dentist throughout your pregnancy. It’s also crucial to keep brushing twice a day and flossing once a day to keep bacteria at bay. However, if you need non-emergency or non-routine dental care such as cosmetic dentistry or a dental implant, wait until your baby is born to proceed with those treatments. 

Welcoming patients from Columbia, Ellicott City, Howard County, and nearby areas. 

Top 3 Worst Drinks for Teeth

People know that what they eat can affect their teeth. But did you know that what we drink can also impact smile health? The truth is, that what we drink plays a crucial role in tooth health as well as overall oral health. Join your dentist in Columbia as we take a closer look at the top three worst drinks for teeth. 

Worst Drinks for Teeth

There are some drinks that are widely available, and some are even considered healthy. However, when it comes to oral health, there are a few drinks you should be wary of. 

  • Sports Drinks

Sports drinks are marketed as a great choice for active people and athletes. However, it’s important to know that these beverages are often packed with sugar. Sugar can lead to enamel erosion and increase the risk of cavities. 

  • Fruit Juice (Sweetened)

Fruit juice has the word fruit right in the name so it has to be good, right? Not necessarily. Most fruit juices contain a lot of sugar as well as acids that come naturally from fruit. This combo can wreak havoc on teeth. Limit your intake of fruit juice or try to avoid it altogether. 

  • Soda

Soda is probably the worst drink for teeth for several reasons. First, it’s often widely available. It’s also high in sugar and calories, which packs a double punch and makes it dangerous for both oral health and overall health. Even diet soda, sugar-free soda, and those sweetened naturally can be harmful to tooth enamel.  

We understand that avoiding these drinks altogether may not be possible, and that’s ok. Try your best to enjoy them in moderation. 

Better Drink Choices for Better Oral Health

When it comes to choosing the best drinks to help quench your thirst, these tried-and-true beverages are always a safe bet. 

  • Water

Good old-fashioned H2O is the best thing for teeth. Water keeps the body and mouth hydrated, which can help rinse away bacteria and neutralize acids in the mouth. Staying well-hydrated can also help keep bad breath away. However, many Americans don’t drink enough water throughout the day. Try your best to make sure your family is drinking plenty of water throughout the day, every day. 

  • Milk

Milk is a powerful beverage that contains vitamin D and calcium, which can help build strong bones and teeth. Your dentist in Columbia usually recommends drinking low-fat or 2% milk. While milk does contain sugar, most adults don’t need to worry about decay from milk sugars. 

  • Green Tea

Not all tea is great for teeth, and drinking too much of certain types of tea, such as black tea, can contribute to tooth discoloration. However, green tea can be beneficial for teeth. Green tea contains antioxidants that can fight tooth decay and reduce the risk of gum disease. Plus, it won’t stain teeth. Just be mindful about how much sugar, honey, or other sweeteners you use. 

When it comes to choosing the best beverage for your teeth, look no further than water. And if you’re experiencing any signs of decay, schedule an appointment with your dentist in Columbia today. 

Welcoming patients from Columbia, Ellicott City, Howard County, and nearby areas.

How Do I Know If I Have Sleep Apnea? 

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can affect both children and adults. It can cause some concerning overall health issues. Recognizing the signs of sleep apnea is one of the most important ways you can help spot a problem and seek treatment sooner rather than later. Let’s take some time to talk about what sleep apnea is, and your dentist in Columbia may be able to help.

What is Sleep Apnea? 

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that causes someone to stop breathing during sleep, often several times a night. This can result in reduced oxygen levels and an increase in carbon dioxide and leave patients feeling unusually tired throughout the day. Sleep apnea can also be tied to other problems such as high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and abnormal heartbeat. Oftentimes, those with sleep apnea don’t even know that they wake up during the night. 

What Causes Sleep Apnea? 

One of the main purposes of sleeping is to relax and help our bodies recover through rest. So it’s only natural that our muscles relax while we sleep. However, if the muscles in the back of the throat relax too much, it can block the airway and make breathing difficult. This may be more common in people that have large tonsils or adenoids. But that’s not the only thing that can contribute to sleep apnea. Other factors include: 

  • Other family members have sleep apnea

  • Being overweight

  • Down syndrome or cerebral palsy

  • A large tongue

Signs of Sleep Apnea 

The most common symptoms of sleep apnea are:

  • Snoring 

  • Sleepiness 

  • Gasps or pauses in breathing, or heavy breathing during sleep

If you notice any signs of sleep apnea in yourself or your partner, call your dentist in Columbia for an appointment. 

Long-Term Problems Associated with Sleep Apnea

Because people with sleep apnea don’t typically get a good night’s rest, they’re more likely to be tired and may have difficulty waking up in the morning. People with sleep apnea may also be at higher risk of: 

  • Falling asleep during the day

  • Having high blood pressure

  • Developing type 2 diabetes

  • Surgery complications

Sometimes, sleep apnea may be misdiagnosed, so it’s important to get the opinion of your dentist in Columbia. 

How is Sleep Apnea Treated? 

Treatment for sleep apnea is possible, but the best way to treat sleep apnea will depend on your specific situation and needs. Some options include: 

  • Taking medications or nasal sprays

  • Having tonsils removed

  • Removing adenoids

  • Using a CPAP

  • Sleep with an oral appliance

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that requires a proper diagnosis and treatment to help relieve symptoms. If you suspect that you or your bed partner may have sleep apnea, don’t hesitate to call your dentist in Columbia to schedule an appointment. 

Welcoming new patients from Columbia, Ellicott City, Howard County, and nearby communities.